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Lake Restoration Project – Smriti Van Lake


Initiation of restoring the Smriti Van Lake, a water body in Vasant Kunj, New Delhi began on 28 th Nov 2019. An on-site visit was made on 11th Sept 2020, with officials from DDA and WISA.

Details of project

The polluted waterbody poses a serious health hazard since there are harmful bacteria as possibly toxic algae as well, in the water. A lack of oxygen in the water and the toxic algae preclude the introduction of more species of fish. The stench emanating from the water can also be quite strong. The plan to restore the lake would be carried out in phases. The restored Lake, in addition to reducing air and water pollution, can provide a natural wildlife habitat to birds and aquatic life, thus balancing out the ecosystem.

On the 11th of September 2020, Slim Homes participated in a site visit wherein people from the Landscape Department, DDA as well as a Consultant from Wetlands International South Asia (WISA) were present. 

The surrounding green cover would also be included in the purview of the Project.

The WISA Consultant would prepare a field report at the outset and matters would progress from there.

Smriti van, Vasant kunj has been taken for restoration under the "Restoration of 100 wetlands" scheme initiated by Ministry of Environment. The main intention being our wetlands stay healthy and breathe sigh of relief from the degradation they are undergoing at minor or major scale. 

Our Roadmap

  • Slim Homes will be kept informed about the progress regarding the development of green area and restoration of water body and will also be included in decision making process.

  • Hydrological survey of the water body has been initiated. Results are awaited.

Lake Restoration Project – Smriti Van Lake: Service
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